Sunday, August 22, 2010

August Book Club Meeting

August Book Club Meeting

Host: Carol

Book: The Piano Teacher, by Janice Y. K. Lee

Response of the Book Club Members: Every book club member was unfamiliar with the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong before and during World War II. At the time Hong Kong was a British Crown Colony with the neighboring island of Macau being a Portugeese territory. The book showed how in times of war and deprivation anyone can be reduced to doing immoral things in order to stay alive and to keep other relatives and friends alive.

I personally think that this is a book that you could read a second time to glean more wisdom. I also would enjoy reading another book by this author if she writes a second novel.

July Book Club Meeting

July Book Club Meeting

Host: Delaine

Book: Best Friends, by Jennifer Weiner

Response of the Book Club Members: Only five of the twelve members attended the meeting because of commitments that kept them from attending. Delaine led the discussion and members relived their high school days of friendships made and destroyed. Everyone agreed that high school years are difficult and no one wanted to go back and relive those anxious years. Members thought that the author did a good job of capturing growing up angst and that as we age we are still growing up.